Sustainable development is the development trend of today's enterprises. As a member of social citizens, D&G Technology understands that enterprises must implement environmental policies and measures in their businesses and take responsibility for sustainable development. The Group takes environmental factors into consideration during daily operation. The Group's adherence and efforts have resulted in the awarding of the "Hong Kong Green Awards 2019” – “Corporate Green Governance Award – Management System". The awards ceremony was held on 13 December 2019.

Corporate Green Governance Award (CGGA)

“Sustained Performance (3 years+)

The "Hong Kong Green Awards" is an awarding event organized by the Green Council to encourage local enterprises to incorporate environmental considerations, environmental responsibility and environmental management systems into their operations and to recognize their continued improvement and leadership performance. The Corporate Green Governance Award recognizes the commitment of large enterprises in the five areas of leadership, mission, management systems, environmental monitoring and reporting, and stakeholders, as well as their integration of environmental considerations into daily operations.

D&G Technology has been awarded this “Corporate Green Governance Award” for four consecutive years. The award has been reaffirmed by D&G Technology's commitment to green governance. Looking ahead, the Group will continue to incorporate environmental, safety and health considerations in decision-making, accountability, management, performance, sustainability and leadership in the operation. We will strive to build a positive image, continue to strengthen green governance and become exemplary Green enterprise.