D&G Technology supports the Employment of Neurodivergent Youth

D&G Technology sponsored the 3rd Anniversary Charity Dinner of Learning Bridge to support the employment of neurodivergent youth

Certifiacte of Appreciation

D&G Technology has been actively participating in public welfare initiatives, fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, and supporting the construction of a more diverse and inclusive sustainable society. The company is honored to be the diamond sponsor of the 3rd anniversary charity dinner of Learning Bridge Association.

The dinner, themed "Unleashing Brilliance", was held grandly on June 28th. During the event, there was also an art auction, and all proceeds will be used to support the work of Learning Bridge.

Learning Bridge is a registered charity in Hong Kong, dedicated to creating employment opportunities for neurodivergent youth and helping them integrate into the workplace and realize their self-worth. D&G Technology's generous sponsorship demonstrates the company's active commitment to giving back to the community and supporting the underprivileged groups.