Our board consists of 5 executive directors, 2 non-executive directors and 4 independent non-executive directors.
Supervising the operations of our Group, planning our business and marketing strategies.
Mr. CHOI Hung Nang (蔡鴻能)
Executive Director & ChairmanOverseeing the corporate management of our Group and implementing its business and marketing strategies and plans.
Ms. CHOI Kwan Li, Glendy (蔡群力)
Executive Director & Chief Executive OfficerOverseeing the operation of manufacturing facilities and implementation of projects.
Mr. LIU Tom Jing-zhi (劉敬之)
Executive Director & Chief Operating OfficerProviding advice on corporate governance and internal control matters of the Group.
Mr. Alain Vincent FONTAINE
Non-Executive DirectorOverseeing the strategic business development of our Group.
Mr. CHOI Hon Ting, Derek (蔡翰霆)
Executive DirectorManaging and implementing sales and marketing strategies.
Mr. LAO Kam Chi (劉金枝)
Executive Director & General Manager (Sales and Marketing)Participating in the formulation of corporate and business strategies.
Mr. CHAN Lewis (陳令紘)
Non-Executive DirectorSENIOR MANAGEMENT
Overseeing the financial planning and management, internal control, investor relations and company secretarial matters of our Group.